Individual & Bespoke Group Trainings
Engineering Awareness is a personalized mindfulness program tailored for individuals or groups. The name of the program speaks to its premise: there is an inherent capacity within each individual to harness attention in a way that will improve well-being and health, and increase resiliency. It recognizes the unique motivations that drive one to explore mindfulness, and the influence these motivations have on developing a mindfulness “practice”.
Mindfulness is at the vanguard of evidence-based practice in a wide variety of health related domains. Not only has it been proven to enhance well-being, mindfulness based therapies are included in the standard of care for a variety of physical and mental health concerns. Equally compelling, it is receiving considerable attention within the business community. According to the Harvard Business Review “recent research provides strong evidence that practicing non-judgmental, present-moment awareness (a.k.a. mindfulness) changes the brain, and it does so in ways that anyone working in today’s complex business environment, and certainly every leader, should know about.” (HBR, 1.8.15) For these reasons, many Fortune 500 companies and college campuses offer programs for employees and students.
Exploring the motivations that drive individuals and organizations to seek mindfulness training plays a key role in creating the ripe conditions for optimal development, retention and cultivation of these life-enhancing skills. The role of the mindfulness facilitator is to both explore and partner with the individual/organization to develop a mindfulness practice.
This program recognizes that time and personal preference can influence one's decision to participate in an individual or larger structured group program. It recognizes our common humanity and the need we each have for support. It is also designed for long term success, such that resources for ongoing local support are identified prior to the completion of the program.
For some, a sustained engagement with mindfulness practices remains elusive. Because ongoing practice is key to reaping its benefits (as Ron Siegel indicates, it is a dose dependent practice — a little bit of practice, a little bit of benefit), the Engineering Awareness program tailors a plan to meet the needs and history its participants, whether adolescent or adult, in order to develop a supported, sustainable model of practice.
Mindful Self-Compassion
MSC is an evidence-based program developed by Christopher Germer and Kristen Neff designed to cultivate self-compassion and build emotional resiliency. Growing research demonstrates that self-compassion is strongly associated with emotional and physical wellbeing, better relationships, and reduced anxiety and depression. MSC is available in-person, online, and as a five-day intensive.
The Institute for Meditation & Psychotherapy Certificate Program
This training is available for therapists, healthcare providers, coaches and other allied health professionals.
The Institute for Meditation & Psychotherapy Certificate Program is the oldest and most comprehensive training in mindfulness and psychotherapy.
The course consists of weekly ‘live’ online events including:
• Interactive live discussions with faculty
• Small group moderated live discussions, case consultation, and practice teaching by students
• Web-based lectures and readings by international experts, viewed at your convenience, from any time zone
• Active online discussion forum on course material
• Active online meditation discussion forum
• Ongoing meditation instruction and support from seasoned meditation teachers
• Two retreats for didactic instruction, community building, and meditation instruction/practice
This course forms the didactic core for the Advanced Fellowship in Mindfulness and Psychotherapy at the CHA Center for Mindfulness and Compassion affiliated with the Harvard Medical School Department of Psychiatry– the first such professional advanced clinical fellowship for training of mental health professionals associated with a major medical school